We thrive on collaboration, high energy and playing with our clients’ products. We taste it. We smell it. We let it sit on our desk. We take it for a ride in the car. We take it on a walk. Toss it in our travel bag. Pop it in our mouths. Sprinkle it. Stack it on a shelf. We literally eat, play, style, and play some more. We perform this ritual until we reveal a products unique story.
In the case of The Toasted Oat, upon first glance you simply see a soft creamy outer package. Upon ripping open the bag you quickly discover the contents are quite different than any other granola you’ve ever experienced in your life. It’s soft and it’s chewy more like a crumbled cookie, full of delicious whole-ingredients, no preservatives, and gluten-free, a far cry from any other granola on the market.
Strategic story-teller Christine Myers, of Verb Garden, quickly landed upon the unique selling proposition and tag line for this unique granola. Creating the message, “We took the ‘crunchy’ out of granola.” And from there we were ready off designing, developing, and styling the brand look and feel; partnering with Demo38 on website development and Jones Photography to bring every aspect of The Toasted Oat granola website to life.
We had a great time working with Erika, and ate all the amazing, soft-and-chewy, home-baked granola our bellies could hold. Check out her website and DEFINITELY check out her Bakehouse Granola—it’s delicious!
Brand Redesign Look and Feel | Photography Direction
Website Design
Brand Story | Christine Myers, Verb Garden, Inc.
Wordpress Developer | Jonathon Harris, Demo38
Photography | Brandon Jones